Thursday, November 15, 2007


Well, I got third place, which I was pretty excited about until......

We went to the TG dinner at the school the kids go to, and the assistant director stopped me and said The Wild Child has bitten FOUR times this morning! Three DIFFERENT kids.... I am just sick at my stomach. I don't know what to do. I think they are going to suspend her, and I think that's probably the right thing for them to do. I just don't know how we are going to swing it.....

She said she would see how she does this afternoon and tomorrow and then decide......

I just went from top of the world to bottom of the heap in 10 seconds flat.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Sasha. First of all, thanks for commenting. I am cracking UP on the shoe thing. I am sure Clemson told you that the same thing happened to me in our church's VBS when she lived here. Secondarily, I am a preschool teacher and I promise that one day this will be a funny memory. Do you have other options in your town?

Sasha said...

Katie, absolutely no other options in my town. Or at least, none without two year wait lists.... Plus we truly love our school and have been their since The Politician was 6 weeks old- so over 4 years. I'm even the PTO treasurer and was on the committee to hire the current director.

In your opinion, does it sometimes take switching facilities to solve the problem???? I should also note that she is due to move up to the 2 year old room in about 6 weeks since her bday is at the beginning of January.

Anonymous said...

This was probably the massively wrong thing to do, but when my eldest decided to bite his younger brother, I bit him. He drew blood from his brother, but I didn't even leave a dent in his fingers. It was enough though and he never bit again. None of my other kids have bitten either.

Now I'll probably have DCFS banging on my door tomorrow.