Friday, November 16, 2007

Stopping by the office for a bit

I've been in a mind-numbingly boring CPE session today- if that damn CPA wasn't so hard to get in the first place, I'd totally say screw the CPE, but I don't EVER want to have to study like that again. So I'm stopping by the office for a minute on my way to get the kiddos, and of course I have to blog for a bit before I check the alarmingly tall in-box on the corner of my desk.

First, Mr. Sasha texted me this morning and said that The Wild Child really only bit twice yesterday- the other two times her "shadow" teacher stopped her before it actually happened- fab news! They were supposed to call us today if she bit again, and with no phone call as of 3:49, maybe we are in the clear (knock, knock). I gave her a dose of Motrin this AM for good measure just to ward off any cranky-ness.

20 bucks you are wondering what's up with the above pic- well, it's a darn good thing I am numbed by Lexapro, because old-Sasha would have simply freaked out when she saw that SCORCH MARK ON HER POTTERY BARN BEDSPREAD. New Sasha just said, "Huh, what the hell? And how can I fix that?"

All I can figure is that on Wednesday morning when I was frantically cleaning before the cleaning lady came (yeah, yeah, I know) my curling iron must have still been hot when I set it out of the way and on my bed. That's all I can come up with...

Two super nice ladies on the bargain board suggested that since it is patchwork to begin with, I can just have a new patch sewn on that section, and as luck would have it, I do have an extra sham I am not using, so that will work perfectly. Except I don't sew....

Anyway, I was super-proud of my reaction and how I didn't lose it. I love modern medicine!

Tonight Mr. Sasha and I are taking advantage of Parents Night Out at our church and going out to dinner and using my gift card to Salt Grass that I won in the dessert contest with my rockin' creation. And tomorrow is the Turkey Trot and hopefully I can beat 30 minutes again, although I'm not counting on it since I haven't been able to run in almost 3 weeks because of the mysterious stomach issues and the subsequent cold that I caught. Then a bday party for The Politician to attend, Girl's Night Out with some sorority sisters.... A fun weekend ahead, and surely there will be some blog material in there somewhere....


Kate said...

I'd stop by my office but I'm afraid the mountain of paperwork would rise up and attack me...glad to hear WC is curbing her cannabalism (is that how you spell that?) I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Anonymous said...

Aw, it just looks like Mr Hanky from South Park took a nap on your blankie!

Smoochiefrog said...

Cleaning before the cleaning lady came

What the heck?

Sasha said...

Tina, how can she vacuum if 1. She can't find the vacuum for the mess in the laundry room, and 2. She can't see the carpet anyway?

Plus, I don't pay her enough for her to pick up my dirty undies and empty beer bottles (kidding about the bottles!).

Kate said...

I'm still jealous that you have a cleaning lady...apparently I hold that job at casa de insanity and I don't get paid for it...I must know your secret!

Marie said...

I'm a CPA with 2 Wild Children. I feel your pain. Thanks for reminding me I need to take the ethics course by Dec 31st. :0