Monday, November 5, 2007

What A Day

So I've been chasing WC around tonight reciting passages from the above literary classic.
When I got there to pick her up today, turns out she had just bitten her friend A about 10 minutes before because he was on the rocking horse she wanted to get on. Holy crap! We just can't catch a break. The assistant director was awesome and told me how nice it was that Mr. Sasha and I are very concerned about the situation and want to be proactive. She assured me that they know this is a stage that will pass. She also offered the above book for me to take home for a few days.
And...... I totally think she's getting it! As soon as she sees the book, she says "No no bite!" So cross those fingers, toes, and whatever else you got and let's see how tomorrow goes.
Health update: Turns out my brilliant brain flash was not so brilliant. The nurse at the hospital hotline I called didn't seem to think that was the cause- she said I've been on the meds for too long to just now have this reaction. Then she got all crazy and said I needed to go to the dr tomorrow and TAKE A SAMPLE IN A ZIPLOCK. Plus I needed to keep it in the fridge before I go, you know, to preserve it. Lady was smokin crack right there at the hospital- that just ain't happening.
And I'm also definitely not pregnant. To cover all my bases, I stopped at the pharm and picked up a test, that in about 2 seconds registered negative. Cool. Cause the alternative would not be cool, although it would be blog fodder, it might be the death of me. And Mr. Sasha. So phew.


Anonymous said...

I wish it was another baby, that'd lead to some funny posts!!!!


Smoochiefrog said...

Just FYI, I had 3 negative tests before my positive with Miriam.

*Ducking and running for cover*