PSA: Do Not Try Pringles Select Szechuan BBQ flavor. I actually had to leave work and go home and brush my teeth to get the flavor out, and I still tasted it for 2 days. And my car smelled like it even though they were still sealed in their bag inside a Target sack. Not good. Seriously. Don't do it.
Today I am having Mamba chews for breakfast. Now there's a good snack food.
Awww c'mon Mr. Sasha - at least read so you can find out how worried your wife was about you finding out about this! Even if you are like Mr Kate who read it once and now only reads it if I tell him to because of a specific post. Of course, after reading this, anytime anyone's rear itches, he now has to mention starfish! Damn bastard stealing my terms!
I love BBQ stuff, so I probably would have tried them if you didn't post this warning about the smell and taste! Now they sound so gross to me!
I'm glad he wasn't upset about the blog...but doesn't it make you mad when you worry and worry about something and they have little/no response!
I had a similar experience with Pringles Select Cinnamon Sweet Potato. They left a really bad taste and they were so hard you could barely chew them up. Have a great weekend!!!
Glad everything went well. And the new banner is C-U-T-E! Who did it?
hahah men are so silly, glad to hear it went well:)
Woah...what a cute new look.....I feel so inferior now!!! Mine is just a bland ole blogger template!
I totally called it :)
Cuuuuuuute new banner!
cute new banner! So Mr. Sasha isn't even nosy and pokin around?
Hi Sasha, found your blog through my blogger pal CM. Just had to say, I'm wildly impressed (does that seem right?! -- that I'm impressed, I mean) that you managed to blog for (how many?) months and not tell your husband! lol. And, based on the cool layout of your blog, this is quite a little talent you've kept under wraps! My husband rarely reads my blog, but always wants to know what I'm blogging about. Go figure. I'm wondering if I could have kept it all a secret and avoided the nickname "bloghead". Hmmm.
I almost bought those Pringles yesterday - glad I skipped them!
Oh, and glad you were worried for nothing;)
Thanks for the PSA on the chips - I love BBQ chips so I would have innocently purchased them and then been grossed out.
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