Saturday, January 5, 2008


I have:
  1. Heard The Wild Child saying "Naked Jaybird" over the monitor this AM and got scared that she was naked and had wet the bed
  2. Said "Phew" when Mr. Sasha went to investigate and reported that she was fully clothed and dry
  3. Ran 3 miles
  4. Showered and got myself and The Politician dressed
  5. Took The Politician by Wal-Mart to pick out a birthday gift for #6 because I am all about the procrastination this week
  6. Took P to the birthday party at the local inflatable gym and gossiped with some fun parents. Also, had cake eating experience #1 of the day.
  7. Came home and got some presents ready for a birthday party The Wild Child was going to this afternoon
  8. Washed all of her bedding, including her bumper, because she de-clothed herself during nap today and wet the bed
  9. Griped at Mr. Sasha because he dripped pee pee all through the house carrying the soaking wet bedding to the laundry room
  10. Reluctantly took WC to a birthday party at an indoor splash pad, which turned out to be so much cooler than I thought, and we both had a fab time. Had cake eating experience #2 of the day.
  11. Came home to find that Mr. Sasha did not transfer the bedding from the washer to the dryer (and was pissed off, duh!)
  12. Was working on the that when I noticed WC was being quiet and so I went looking and found her in my bathroom rubbing her liquid soap all over her arms and legs, saying "Lotion"
  13. Tossed her in the tub to wash off said soap and also chlorine smell
  14. Put her bed back together
  15. Texted a friend to see if she was still up for a pitcher of margs at Taco Cabana later tonight (She is! Yay!!!!!)
  16. Came on here to tell you about my crazy day


Traci Anne said...

You DEFINITELY deserve those margaritas!

Also - THEY COME IN PITCHERS AT TACO C?! I can't even tell you how much you just made my night. FOR SERIOUS.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Ok seriously!

You need to put WC in pjs backwards when she is home.

We put Angry Toddler in footless Gymbo pjs backwards when he is home.

He can roam the house and we know that he won't strip or randomly pee/poop everywhere!

P.S. AT has been doing this since AUGUST!!!!!!!!

clemsongirlandthecoach said... is hoping for the spreadsheet, can you help her w/ it?


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I love days at your house because they always remind me of days at my house. :) Mmmmm, if I was closer, meeting you for pitchers of margaritas would def become a regular thing.
You've had a full day! Off to check our running group and get to work!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a busy day. I have been having "female issues" so I have spent a lot of time with the vicodin bottle and heating pad. I love being a "delicate" female and the only girl in the house..all the boys just leave me alone!

Rebecca said...

Celia used to love stripping and peeing the bed. And she still loves smearing anything that could vaguely be considered lotion all over herself. Plus she has now discovered the joys of makeup.