Friday, February 8, 2008

Finally Friday

Note from school yesterday: "The Wild Child had a rough day. She didn't want to take a nap. She also ran from her teachers."

'Bout time she spreads that around. I get tired of hearing how well she sleeps at school since I have to read 500 books, lay 5 babies, a bunny and a piggy in bed with her, cover her with three blankets, put her Dora house shoes back on her 9 times, pry quarters and other small objects from her paws, and do a jig just to get her to lay down. Go ahead, WC, shows those teachers the same love you show Momma.

Ya'll. I'm so pumped for the weekend! Lots of"nothing" to do. I'm planning on:
  • painting my nails (both finger and toes)
  • CVS-ing
  • picking up the last of the FARs at Walgreen's
  • running twice (Sat and Sun)
  • picking up some paint samples for the bedroom (thanks for suggestions!)
  • researching blinds for the bedroom
  • having Mr. Sasha wash the Fan since I am deathly afraid of those automatic car washes that move you down the track
  • cleaning out my pantry and throwing out anything with 2004-2007 expiration dates (scary, huh?)


Anonymous said...

I was just looking through my pantry earlier and thinking about doing the same thing!

I got scared when a box of GS cookies from 2005 winked at me.

BTW, I referenced you in today's entry. Nothing specific, just general. If you mind, I'll remove it.

Traci Anne said...

Man, I'm so freakin' excited about having nothing to do this weekend but clean my apartment. YESSSS.

Kate said...

Love CVS-ing! My husband doesn't understand how I can spend so much time & $$ there.