Thursday, February 21, 2008

So So So Glad WIOW is Over

Because I found these at Walgreen's this AM and had to buy them..... and they are quite tasty! I only bought 2 by the way, because of course it was a better deal if you bought two, and you know I'm all about the better deal.

They are bigger than normal M&Ms, sort of like the shape of the old Oompa-Loompas. Do you remember those? They were awesome, half peanut butter, half chocolate, in a crunchy shell, made by my old friend Willy Wonka.
The cherry flavor is pretty distinct, but not overpowering. Quite nice. Between these and the Razz ones, I do prefer the Razz, but these are pretty damn good. I will certainly finish the bag, this morning, I am sure.
As for how WIOW went, I actually did pretty well with dealing with the annoying shit of "not eating so crappy". Until Mr. Sasha asked me to stop by McD's on my way home from making freezer meals at Pass Your Plate and I just happened to be passing by one at that exact moment, and I swear my car turned itself in there. I love those Grilled Chipolte wraps, and I don't suppose they are that bad, are they? Now, Slim, don't you go looking them up like you did the Sweetheart Blast. Best if I don't know.
As for NLP:RD, today is Trash Terminating Thursday--More clean up with a focus on organizing and purging.
I do need to do a little clean up tonight before Mr. Sasha and I leave town tomorrow for our Very Special and Romantic Post-Valentines Weekend Away From The Kids. To be fair, Saturday morning is non-couply since he will do some golfing and I will be meeting a friend for shopping, but the rest of the time, it's all romance. My ILs are coming to our house to keep the kids, and I guess I should make my home look a little bit like I clean every now and then, although I'm sure P will sell me out.
At least I better vacuum up the large pieces food under the table and such.


Anonymous said...

OK, I promise to keep my Nutritional info to myself! That wrap sounds darn good. Might have to try me one!!

Laural Out Loud said...

Oh my, those M&Ms look sooo good. NOT that I'm goign to break down and eat them, but maybe just buy a pack or two to keep in the house for when I reach my first weight loss goal? Can you smell them through the wrapper?

Kate said...

Love M&Ms & those look wonderful! (and are the appropriate reward for all the craziness you've had to put up with lately!)

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

I want to go on the romantic weekend! I am stuck here at the Casa de Contamination with the minis solo...duh.

Also, I signed up for ebates today, so hope you get your referral dealie. Of course I used your email... :)