Saturday evening was the first home football game, and girls, it was HOT! I had not been to a game since the fall before WC was born (3 years ago!) and I was excited to go to the first home game this year. We had a great time. A little before half, Mr. Sasha noted that it looked like rain and we should probably head to a restaurant and grab some dinner before heading home. We dashed in one of our favorite places just in time- it started monsooning just as we sat down. We were lucky! Most people got absolutely drenched!
Today, I finally got around to doing Day 1 of One Hundred Pushups. It wasn't so bad- but I imagine I'll be sore tomorrow. I'm really excited about this goal and now that I've finally started, I'm going to keep on track and tell you all about my progress!
I'm need to go check on the kids- they are being quiet and that's scary- but I need to tell you about some jeans I found for beyond cheap that don't gap at the back! Since I've got hips and some junk in my trunk, most jeans don't fit me right and I can always stick both hands in the gap that's created in the back when I sit down. Terrible. I hate jean shopping. But I took a chance on some long-shot jeans, and I need to tell you all about them.... They are less than $20!!!!
Stay tuned!
Well, way to go...running after a college football game! I haven't been in a few years, but I was always too hung over.
I am so impressed that you can do push-ups!! I can barely do 10 in my body pump class ... and I do the girl kind. I am gonna start practicing.
Don't forget to tell us about the jeans bc I NEED to know. I need another option before buying "apple bottoms". hehe
Cute girls! Did you all just stumble into each other? Yay for seeing friends!
how many pairs did you buy??
Yay football season is here!!!
It was so awesome to see you guys... crazy how close our tailgates were (that sounds funny)
OOOH I must know about these jeans! I have serious issues in this department also and also hate to shop for jeans or pants
WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD US OF THESE MAGIC JEANS YET???!!! I've been waiting all day with baited breath.......please......
Cute picture.
I did a 5K last weekend too. I need to post about it still.
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