Sunday, November 30, 2008

Are You Gonna?

You know I am. (don't you judge me!) I admit it- I love me some trash TV.


Melissa said...

I watch "My Fair Wedding" at the time this show is on, so it's getting DVRed and I will watch it tomorrow!

jen said...

I'm gonna! (Any little thing to keep me going while I wait for the Rock of Love Bus to roll into town.)

Multislacking Mama said...

I plan on it. I might have to catch it on the rerun since I forgot to set my DVR for it.


Joy said...

I won't judge; considering I am watching it as I type this:)

Misty said...

I am watching it now. lol

Lipstick said...

OMG...I am so out of it! Is this a single interview or a reality show? I must watch!

Anonymous said...

What a case she is! MTV always finds a way to suck me in, I even watch the trashiest of trash.

I've been a reader/noncommenter
for a while but now I'm one in the blogging world!

Leean (Jenn's lil sis)

Allyson and Dave said...

She still isn't right in the head. By the way she talks she seems to think she still did not do anything was just the bad people she let in her life. It is always someone else's fault. Years from now, when she is not promoting a new album, she will come out with a tell all book that reveals the truth.

Red said...

Oh heck yeah I watched it! And I watched it twice. And then I wrote a blog post about it this morning since it kinda got under my skin.

Jill said...

Oh- I wanted to watch it or at least DVR it. Like it's not going to be replayed 100 times. How was it?

ashley said...

I totally watched it... and at the end my hubby asked me, "Well do you know Britney better?" And I thought about it... nope, lol, i'm pretty sure i already knew everything she said.. except how crazy those paparazzi are! poor girl.

Ashley Smith said...

did and loved...

michelle matthews said...

I have the DVR set for the rerun. I have two many shows recording when this first aired. I want to go to her concert. Did you see her on GMA this morning?