Friday, February 27, 2009

It Takes a Village

You guys know that I have been having difficult times with The Wild Child lately, and I have been (im)patiently waiting for things to turn around. Almost three weeks ago WC and I visited a family therapist together who offices with our OT in hopes that she could give me some tips to make things go smoother at home. I also wanted to make sure that we weren't dealing with something like Oppositional Defiance Disorder.

I've been to see the therapist twice on my own since then, and one of the things we've been talking about is me finding some confidence in myself. I needed to remember that I am a good mother! I was having such a rough time that I was simply feeling sorry for myself and a little bit lost, parenting-wise, and come to find out, that's just a vicious cycle that creates more problems. The therapist thinks that WC is so in tune to me that my anxiety severely affects her. Since she knows she doesn't know how to deal with that along with her other issues, she pushes me away.

I feel so blessed to have found someone else who can help us. It's amazing how much better I feel after just three visits! She thought that as I gain my confidence back and institute some of her tips and ideas, things would slowly get better.

Well, last night was the best night we have had with her since her surgery in October! She actually let me lay down and snuggle with her and read some books and she fell asleep with her little hand on my chest. I am so excited that things seemed to have turned around for us!

In your prayers tonight, remember WC and I and ask for continued support for us from all the wonderful people who have been helping us over the last year. It seems to take a village to raise my child and I'm super happy to have the population of my village continue to grow.


Elaine's Semi-Homemade Life said...

Sasha, just wanted to say again how happy I am to hear about last night. I'm praying that tonight goes as smoohly. I also wanted to thank you for your REAL posts. I'm prob not the only one who admires you for that and who is inspired by all you do for the love of your kiddos.
We've GOT to get together soon! e

Special K said...

Hugs to you and your little sweetpea! Hoping things go well for you. And when you figure out the sleeping well through the night thing, send some tips my way! Sylvie's big difficulty on and off over the past 3 years has been sleeping.

The Farmers Wife said...

That is so excellent, wonderful progress! I think its hard to remember that things dont happen overnight, no matter how hard we hope for it. Sounds like you found someone who can really help, that is so great! I wish you lots more nights like that. Diva Princess finally slept through the night for 2 nights in a row (shes 3) I am crossing my fingers tonight. Its already been a little questionable because she was hollaring about monsters... Keep up the great work!

Anniebanannie said...

YAY for Mommasasha and WC! That is so great you've found that support needed. Can't wait to hear about more updates! Keep it up-you're awesome!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

You know I'm there for you. It's soo hard for us mommies. Especially working mommies. I wish you good luck in the future. I also went to the Dr. by myself last week. I FEEL much less anxiety now, hahaha...

E-Mail if you need to vent privately...I UNDERSTAND what you are going through.

Melissa said...

You are such a good mom! I'm glad things are getting better and I will pray that they continue to do so!

michelle matthews said...

Awe! What a beautiful night! Precious! Here's to many more of those nights! You are doing a great job with WC and things are only getting better.

Lipstick said...

Oh Sasha...I am so very happy that y'all had a good night last night!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sasha! I will SO pray for you and WC. I am going through a difficult time with my son who is a freshman. We have an appt. with a therapist this week. Lots of love and prayers..... Terri

C. Beth said...

What a wonderful, encouraging post. You are awesome, mama!! Such a great mom--WC may have some special requirements so I'm thankful God gave her a very special mom.

MDO said...

It's a testament to your mothering that WC is SO attuned to your mood that it affects her so much when you're having a hard time. That speaks volumes about the relationship you already have with her and will have with her later on. I have seen you in action with that girl, and you are SUPER patient with her when she is having trouble. STAY STRONG and know what a good mama you are.

Multislacking Mama said...

That is an amazing night for you and your girl! I know how hard you've been working and I also know how hard you are on yourself (cuz I'm right there with you).

Many prayers for you and WC to have the strength to continue to get better!


Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Mamalicious. My son has sensory issues and went through two years of private OT. We could not have gotten through without our wonderful Occ. Therapist! He is now 6 1/2, out of OT, in first grade and is doing great in school! At home, we still struggle with various sensory issues that come into play almost daily, in different ways, and at all different times (can be affected by weather/change of seasons, lack of sleep, etc.) I KNOW what you are going through and sometimes it is so hard to put into words (although you do it very well). I can only say to you that his situation is always changing and usually frustrating. I constantly second guess myself (and I have a good head on my shoulders!) But your daughter will continue to grow emotionally and neurologically in the coming years and you will see things get easier on her, and you.
Take care,