Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hair Update

Last week I posted on my Facebook "Contemplating cutting my hair...." and boy did I get a lot of comments! Most said "Don't cut it!" while some urged me to rock a short cut.

I've been growing it out for quite a while (for me!) and it's actually pretty long- well, it's past my shoulders. Because it's really fine, it typically gets stringy when it gets long. So it was at that point- looking tired and yucky at the end of the day and I was really thinking about going back to the short layered bob I have had for most of my life.

But then BzzAgent came to my rescue! They invited me to join in the John Frieda Root Awakening campaign. They sent me the Nourishing Moisture shampoo and conditioner to try.

Typically, I don't buy moisturizing hair products because I'm afraid they will weight my hair down. But these products are amazing! Seriously, my hair has never looked better. Shiny, smooth, soft.... healthy!

And at my hair appointment next week, I'll just be getting a highlight (yes I know it's more than a highlight....) and just a trim. Now that I have found these fabulous hair products, I know I can keep the length and it will look fabulous!
Have you guys tried these? If not, what are you favorite hair products right now?


jen said...

Let's see pics. I can't imagine you without "the Sasha"

Ann said...

Thanks for the tip. I too have have fine hair and was just thinking that I might need to get it cut because it had gotten too long and stringy.