Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Have More Energy!

Since I found out I have Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Anemia a few weeks ago, I have made several changes and I can already see a big change in my energy level. I now see how much of a fog I was walking around in!

First, I started taking a B-12 supplement. I was told to get 1000 mcg and take one a day. I found one at Target that said it was "timed-release" so I got that one.

Also, I've been drinking a glass of Cranergy every day, usually after lunch when I would typically get the I-need-to-go-get-in-bed-now feeling. This stuff tastes great, is low in calories (35 calories for 8 ounces), and I truly feel like it helps my energy level.

Do you have things you do for extra energy? And Angry Julie, I already know about your love of Monster drinks!

Disclosure: I purchased these items with my own hard-earned cashola. Ocean Spray has no idea who Sasha is.


Yellow Beads said...

Oh, good to know--I will have to try them!...and so glad you are feeling better now!

Elaine's Semi-Homemade Life said...

I should try these things! I'm anemic and constantly sleep deprived (working on an avg 4hrs/night this wk!) Hmm... thanks for the news, Sash!

Cornelia said...

I'm glad you found something that is giving you more energy. I'm going to try those.

Jill said...

Last summer I started taking B12 injections once a week or so from a Dr. and they work wonders! Amazing how quickly I felt better. Good for you!

Katy said...

Ok, may have to try this! ...wonder if preg. women can partake in this???

Anonymous said...

did they do bloodwork to find this out? I know i am anemic for sure. I need to try this drink! thanks sasha!


Sasha said...

Katy- I am sure you can drink the juice, but not sure about the B12. I'd ask your doc.

Kathy- yes, bloodwork to check for anemia and B12 deficiency. I also had thyroid bloodwork, but that was normal.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

I love the shout out for my addiction. Seriously, I quit drinking Monsters yesterday. They make my crave sugar and that has been horrible for my waistline lately.