Monday, November 8, 2010

She's Crafty

On Friday, P and Mr. Sasha were at a birthday party, so I decide that WC and I would venture out to the mall and see if we could find some cool-weather clothes, since it's FINALLY getting cooler here.

As I was getting her in her carseat, she said, "I want to get a face mask. You know, the kind you wear when you sleep."

I thought that was a strange thing to be shopping for, but we've been reading a lot of Fancy Nancy: Ooh La La! It's Beauty Day so I assume that's where the request came from.

We go to the mall, went in thru Dillard's, worked our way around to Gymboree, GAP, and finally Old Navy. I had some GAP Card reward certificates to use, so I picked out some Hello Kitty tshirts for her (they are darling!) and we made our way to the checkout.

Lo and behold, look what we found by the register.

Yup, a sleeping mask. I swear, she has ESP.
And the next day, she traced the mask on paper and made her own version, although she wanted eye holes in this one! Too funny!


Tiffany said...

That's too cute!

sprinkles said...

Very cute! I can't imagine my mom indulging me for that so I love that you let WC get it.

I'd never heard of Fancy Nancy until you mentioned the book. One day a few months ago, I found one her books at WalMart. It was laying in the pop section. I picked it up and looked at it briefly. It was like a sticker book or something. I was in a hurry so I didn't look long. It looked like a cute book.