Tuesday, June 25, 2024

New Release Review: So This is War by Meghan Quinn


So This Is War (Vancouver Agitators, #5)So This Is War by Meghan Quinn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh those Frozen Fellas and their girlfriends are such a hoot! I had been excited for Posey's book in the Vancouver Agitators series, and boy did we get a treat. Author Meghan Quinn is always going to give her readers hilarity and lots of laugh out loud moments, and Levi Posey and Wylie were absolutely great together. The shining star in this book was the group text with Posey and the girlfriends of the Frozen Fellas was a DELIGHT. I was lucky enough to listen to an early audio copy, and the full cast of narrator favorites were top notch- phenomenal!

View all my reviews

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